The former Yamamotos Residence of Da...
Name The former Yamamotos Residence of Daido Address 1797 Yamada, Taishi-Cho, Minamikawachi-Gun, Osaka TEL/FAX HP E-mail Architecture age 1830-1867/Edo Period Building type Residential buildings Construction Flat wooden structure, thatched partially Kawara tile roofing Outline explanation The former Yamamotos Residence of Daido is a ‘thatched aged house’ still standing by Takenouchi Kaido that is said to be the oldest national road in Japan. It retains the Yamatomune* style roof in a good condition, and is one of the architectures impresses the historical landscape of the highway connects Yamato (Nara) and Sakai. The residence is comprised by the main house and the annex features Irimoyazukuri, Sangawarabuki (a hip-and-gable roof with base tiles). A Kura (warehouse) is located in the eastern side. The main house, the estimated time of the construction was the late Edo period by its architectural techniques, has a thatched roof with Hongawara (formal Kawara tiles) roofing on its both ends. Its interior is of a typical residential house with the Doma (dirt floor), Zashiki (rooms floored with tatami mats) and Shimomise. The annex has a ridge tag dating from 1912. The Kura was rebuilt in 1952. There were two rice warehouses in the backyard. The parts reconstructed by the posterity were removed and restored to their original state according to the beginning of the public viewing in September, 2004. *Yamatomune or Takahetsukuri : a combination of a thatched and tiled roof on a gable.
Cultural property type Registered Tangible Cultural Properties Event link open to the public open note
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