NameKanda Shrine Massha Ichinosha Honden (The First Main Sanctuary, Subordinate Shrine of Kanda Shrine)
Address905 Naka, Kaizuka, Osaka
Architecture ageConstructed in 1773, rennovated in 1975
Building type Religious buildings
ConstructionFlat wooden structure, Kawara tile roofing
Outline explanation

The twelve facilities are registered as tangible cultural properties. ‘Ichinosha Honden’ (The First Main Sanctuary), ‘Sannosha Honden’(The Third), ‘Yonnnosha Honden’(The Fourth), ‘Gonosha Honden’(The Fifth), ‘Mikoshi-Kura’(Portable Shrine Storage), ‘Kagura-Den’(Hall of Shinto Music and Dance), ‘Shinme-Sha’(Stable of Sacred Horse) , ‘Sanshu-Den’(Assembly Hall), ‘Saikan’(Purification Hall), , ‘Shinmon’(Shrine Gate), ‘Dobei’(Mud Wall), ‘Minamimon’(Southern Gate). Ichinosha Honden is located at the center of the precinct, facing the east. Sannosha, Yonnosha and Gonosha stand side by side under a covering roof. All the Main Sanctuaries are subordinate shrines.

Cultural property type Registered Tangible Cultural Properties
Event link
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