NameFormer Uedas Residence
Address1-20-2 Uematsu-Cho, Yao-Shi, Osaka
Architecture age1868-1911
Building type Residential buildings
ConstructionWooden, Kawara roofing
Outline explanation

Former Uedas Residence is the premises inherits the mansion that administrated Annaka Shinden (newly reclaimed rice field) developed on the land of former Yamatogawa River after the river was rerouted in 1704. Beside Omoya(the Main House), there is the Front gate facing the road on its west, the Dozo(Ware house)1 and the Warder’s House on both sides of the gate, the Dozo 2 connected to the Omoya by a corridor. The Omoya and Dozo 1 were constructed in late Edo Period, the pillars and beams at the dirt floor area of the Omoya are remained from that period. The Exhibit Room and Archive Room are established, exhibiting everyday tools, old documents, books, paintings, craftworks, etc. owned by the Ueda Family are widely open to the public as well as the architecture.

Cultural property type Registered Tangible Cultural Properties
Event link
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