NameThe Arais Residence
Address1380 Nakashou, Izumisano, Osaka
Architecture age1932
Building type Residential buildings
ConstructionWooden flat structure
Outline explanation

A traditional Japanese Style wooden residential architecture double as a guest house built by Suekichi Arai at his birth place in 1932. He was running a stock exchange business in Senba. Making full use of carpentry skills and high quality materials, The mansion is surrounded by an white earthen wall as long as 100 meters, and a Japanese garden is placed inside of the outer large gate. The are three buildings surrounding the garden, the interior design is the developed style from the Shoin-zukuri (one of the Japanese most important residential architectural styles, established during the Momoyama period), high carpentry skills can be seen in fine latticed Akari-shoji and ceilings and others. In the garden, more than 20 stone lanterns and rocks are placed and the different plants in all seasons can be seen such as pine tree, cherry blossoms, crape myrtle, azalea.

Cultural property type Registered Tangible Cultural Properties
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