Name Sugie Noh Stage Address 6, 6-10 Kishiro-cho Kishiwada-shi, Osaka TEL/FAX 072-447-6206(TEL)/072-447-6204(FAX) HP E-mail Architecture age 1917 Building type Civic buildings Construction Outline explanation The Sugie Noh stage was built in 1917 with the donation of a bridge from the Noh stage of the former Kishiwada Castle. The stage is the oldest existing Noh stage in Osaka Prefecture and is based on the Nishi Honganji Kita-butai (Northern Stage of Nishi Hongaji Temple), which is designated a national treasure. The paintings on the background panels are by Tomimaro HIGUCHI. The size of the stage is 2 square ken (about 2.6mx2.6m), slightly smaller than the original size. On the stage is a plaque with the words “Kokka” written by the last lord of the Kishiwada clan, OKADANOBORI. This type of Noh theatre is very valuable because it was built during the Meiji and Taisho periods (1868-1912), when Noh theatres changed from the opposite style (open style) to the closed style. Since the stage and the audience are in separate buildings, you can feel the wind of the four seasons on your skin and enjoy some of the atmosphere of the time when Noh was performed in the open air.
Cultural property type Registered Tangible Cultural Properties Event link open to the public open note -
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