NameAmanosan Kongo-ji Temple
Architecture ageFrom the mid Edo Period
Building type Religious buildings
ConstructionWooden structure
Outline explanation

Amanosan Kongo-ji Temple was founded by Sogyoki, a high-ranked priest in the Nara period, and was revived by Akan Shonin in the late Heian Period. There were more than one hundred branch temples to encircle the main monasteries in the precinct. Though most of the branch temples were discontinued or integrated from the Edo to Meiji Period, Tsukiji-bei(roofed earthern walls) and some of the remained buildings are still utilized currently. Also there are architectures newly built such as the Great Entrance Hall(1909), the Great Assembly Hall and the dinning room(1942). They all contribute to the hostrical scenery.

Cultural property type Registered Tangible Cultural Properties
Event link
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